PROST! Corporate Structure
PROST! Exercise 4 Prostate Cancer Inc. is a not for profit registered charity.
Our board is made up of members elected by the general membership. Details of the board members and their experience is detailed below.
Jeffrey Leach - Chairman
PROST! member since 31 August 2022.
Founding member of Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and director on WA Board since 2012.
Member and past president of Rotary Club of Perth, and Paul Harris Triple Sapphire Fellow.
Board member of Passages safe house for street present youth; regular participant and member of Variety 4WD Adventure; 12-year veteran of Vinnies CEO Sleepout raising over $100k for the homeless.
When he is not being active in the community working to address social and health issues that are close to his heart, Jeff is a pharmacist; property developer; chairman of the JJ Leach Group; founding partner of the PropTech Hub; and mentor & investor in several startups.
Bronte Parkin - Secretary
PROST! member since 10 January 2014. PROST! Board member since 2016. Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia peer support volunteer.
Graduate in science (physics major) and education.
40-year career across schools, training, university and international education sectors and public service administration from science teaching, research, planning, policy development, funding, accreditation and regulation to WA public service senior executive level retiring as Executive Director Corporate Management covering strategic planning, finance, human resources, and IT.
Member of advisory committees of the Australian Commission for Quality and Safety in Health Care reviewing aged care clinical care standards and use of psychotropic medicines. Co-chair of Curtin University’s Brain Health Research Consumer Advisory Committee. Consumer advisor for research studies on dementia and aged care at the Universities of Queensland, Sydney and Woolongong. Advocate and peer support leader for Dementia Australia and Alzheimer’s WA. Past Board member of Alzheimer’s WA.
Ian Simmonds - Treasurer
PROST! member since 1 October 2019.
Initially employed by Trans Australian Airlines in the accounts department in Western Australia. Was transferred to Hobart Tasmania as Assistant Accountant and Executive Assistant to the State Manager.
Appointed as a Systems Accountant in TAA head office Melbourne and later transferred back to Western Australia as Accountant WA. A change of career occurred and was appointed Sales Manager WA and later Assistant State Manager for Australian Airlines.
Upon purchase of Australian Airlines by Qantas was appointed Commercial Manager for Qantas.
Joined Accor Asia Pacific in 1995 as the Regional Manager Sales and Marketing responsible for the marketing of twenty-four hotels through Western Australia and the Northern Territory.
In 1999 Ian founded Levart Distribution Systems Pty Ltd. He is the Managing Director. Levart is a technology company specialising in the Hospitality Industry providing Websites, Booking Engines, Channel Management and an intelligent payment gateway to hotels and apartments situated throughout Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and Indonesia.
Levart’s clients also include Australia’s largest university student accommodation provider UniLodge.
Bill van Didden - Support Group Leader
PROST! member since 2015.
After completing a five year apprenticeship I commenced my own business and for over 54 years I had created a multiple award winning, owner operated Painting and Decorating business, that has been a Nationally recognized Dulux Accredited Business, undertaking all aspects of Heritage paint restoration, Historic paint investigations, Government buildings and National Trust Projects, including significant heritage buildings throughout Perth City, Metro and Country areas.
Developing a reputation of being a legend throughout the City, supporting fellow business’s. Being involved with the Dulux Accredited Program and Dulux Advisory Board, Master Painters & Decorators Executive Committee and have successfully trained multiple apprentices over many years in support of the industry, some of which have gone on to run their own business’s.
After turning 75, I sold the business as a successful ongoing concern with high standards and a knowledgeable reputation continuing into the future.
Vian Botma - Committee Member
PROST! member since 1 September 2017.
Graduating as an Exercise Physiologist in 2011, Vian worked in various gyms throughout WA, helping a wide variety of demographics to exercise the right way. Vian uses exercise as medicine, and he has treated a range of chronic conditions with exercise.
In 2017, Vian founded Holistic Dynamix and started managing the Prost! classes at Subiaco Football Club. Vian later rebranded his business to Holistic Strength, with the mission of helping more people with disabilities, injuries and chronic conditions to live healthy and optimally.
Vian went on to train his staff on running the PROST! classes at multiple locations. Initially helping to set up other locations at Fremantle, then Joondalup and Leederville.
Vian continues to be passionate about helping people to be strong, both physically and mentally.
John Anderton - Board Member
Started my HR career in 1969 with Plessey Telecommunications in Sydney NSW, after receiving my Queens Scout Badge from the Governor of NSW, Sir Roden Cutler in 1968, and a signed certificate from her majesty Queen Elizabeth 11.
Transferred with Plessey to Melbourne in 1970 where I spent 3 and half years with highlight playing rugby union for Powerhouse RUFC and Victoria both in Colts and senior ranks.
Mid 1973 I took up a site HR role at Windarra/Laverton WA with Poseidon Nickel. Highlight was playing for and captaining Cottesloe RUFC First 15, on regular weekend recruitment trips from site, to staff up entire site to take into production in 1975.
In September 1975 I took a two and a half year overseas working holiday.
3 January 1978, after returning to Perth Australia, I commenced with Woodside Petroleum, operator for the Northwest Shelf Project (NWSP) and spent 26.5 years in various HR/IR roles including two assignments to Karratha for a total of over 6 years, with highlights including being on site for first DOMGAS supply to Perth and SW WA in 1984 and first shipment of LNG to Japan in July 1989. During my time at Woodside I had over ten years as the National (four sectors) and Hydrocarbon Sector Chairman (over 30 companies) of the National Rewards Group.
Following retrenchment from Woodside in mid-2004, I established up my own HR advisory business and became the Consultant HR/Admin Manager at Japan Australia LNG (MIMI) Pty Ltd, a joint venture between Mitsubishi and Mitsui (one of the 5 non operator companies for the NWSP which included BP, BHP, Chevron and Shell) where I spent 11 satisfying and rewarding years.
I became a member of PROST on 1 April 2021 following my prostate cancer diagnosis and operation in May and attend 2 sessions per week and then became a board member in September 2023 to assist in spreading the word to all men, “do you know your PSA blood test score”
Dr Jo Milios
PROST! member since 1 April 2012.
Founder of PROST! Exercise 4 Prostate and Men’s Health Physiotherapist.
Self-employed at Complete Physiotherapy since 1996, with clinics in Carine, Palmyra, West Leederville and at West Coast Health & High Performance in Lathlain.
I work in tandem with Urologists, Nursing teams and Exercise Physiologists to provide pre and post-operative physiotherapy care for men undergoing prostate cancer treatment. I also provide support and pelvic health solutions for men undergoing chronic pelvic pain, erectile dysfunction and any issues relating to the bladder, bowel and pelvic floor.
I established PROST! in 2012 as a not for profit organisation to help bridge gaps in support services for the 1 in 6 men diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in Australia. Exercise sessions in a group environment focus on building pelvic floor strength, as well as cardiovascular & whole body fitness.